Friday, June 4, 2010

what mall do you go to ?

i go to different types of mall and by dirfferent stuff when i want to by something i need but any way what do you by when you go to the mall? next time i want to by a dress maybe the colour of purple or blue or even black you naver know if you had a chance to by a dress what colour would you buy?

comment please
so the school year is almost over

we had a good year so far all the grade 6 is going to another school all the grade 5 is going to grade six wow......

so what will you wear on the last day of school i was planing to wear a nice pretty dress but i think that's too much .

i am going to wear another dress that is not too dressy it goes up to my elbow i don't know is i should wear flats or shoes (converse) maybe but i don't have any converse i i lost them at school some how??????????????????????????????

what are you going to wear on the last day of school ?
would u like to cut, highlight your hair are you going to do that

i think i'm going to cut my hair before school starts maybe even get highlightds maybe the colour brown

will your mom let you colour your hair ? will you get a hair cut before school starts?

if so what colour? ??????
today is the last day before our blog is due thanks to all the follower

but anyway is pink your favorite colour it use to be my favorite but not any more
what are you going to do on the summer vacation i am planing to paint my nails maybe red and maybe on my toe nails

i might do french nails have you ever done french nail if you have post comments any way ..... bye